Social Media for Real Estate - The Revolution Bay

Social Media for Real Estate

Social Media for Real Estate: Social Media is one of the effective marketing platform which can be used for more than one reasons. There are so many highly accomplished and real estate companies who choose social media as one of the best medium for marketing. 

Social Media for Real Estate

Social Media for Real Estate

One of the most favorite reasons for real estate companies to use Social Media for real estate is to reach out to more clients and capitalize their competitive advantage. Social Media offers a way to connect to your local as well as international clients to support the real estate marketing efforts. 

Social media builds trust and extends your reachability with people who you have not met physically. 

Now, you must be thinking what does real estate social media marketing look like in practice? In this article, we will look at all the social media platforms which includes – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and likewise; which are majorly used for marketing as well as for circulating information.

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How to Use Social Media for Real Estate Agents: Facebook

Facebook is one of the most used social media for real estate platforms. More than 70 percent of humanity is familiar with Facebook where they connect with their friends and family members online. Most of the real estate prefer to connect to their clients or customers digitally because it is easy, instant, and hassle-free.

What to do to become a good real estate agent? How would you get your brand listed on the largest social networking sites?

Here are some of simple tips top do that:

Make a Facebook Page: It is recommended that you should not use your personal Facebook account for your real estate business. You know why? Because, using personal account shows unprofessionalism and you will miss out a lot of important business features which includes – Facebook contests, Facebook insights and more. 

It is actually very easy to set up a Facebook page and it is worth putting efforts too.

  1. Include Posts about neighborhood: 

It is important to show your neighborhood listings. This will market your area of prospective residents, and it will also display your knowledge and passion about where are you selling homes. 

For e.g. If a new community center has been built, you must post about it and share your ideas about the same. 

  1. Upload Updated Images:

Use of images with a content makes it more lively, authentic, and engaging. The more likes, comments, and shares the post gets, the more they will be seen on the news feeds by the connected friends or Facebook page followers. 

  1. Post Upcoming Events in your Neighborhood

Let your Facebook followers know how beautiful your culture is. You can post about the upcoming local events details. If you are planning to attend any of the local event, tell your Facebook friends about it, invite them to join the event and so on. You can also share your experience about any of the attended event.

  1. Show That You Care

We normally show that we care in person but, when you show your clients through Facebook page that how much you care about them makes a lot difference. You can show your concern and offer the best possible deal to your clients if you want to build trust and faith within. 

  1. Engaging Contests and Sweepstakes:

To engage with your audience more, you can design contests and sweepstakes to have more fun with your fans. You can use different types of contests in order to develop deeper relationships with your customers, educate yourself about their likes and dislikes, and promote yourself as a realtor. 

To make a mark in the market, you can also use these contests to promote your listings.  

  1. Post your listings

Yes, you can use Facebook to post your postings, as well. The brilliant guideline in online life is 80/20. That is – post 80% of your substance about ways of life, client interests, and different updates; post 20% of your substance about you and your item. This keeps your online life social, and locks in. 

When you post your postings, keep the identity of you and your Facebook Page. This isn’t a print promotion. Tell about the home, and what focuses will offer it. Tell what number of rooms and shower. Tell the location. Tell the cost. Be that as it may, keep it locks in. 

Make inquiries about your new residence, to get remarks about what individuals like about it, what they like about the area, or remarks about the schools and network offices. Post about your Open Houses, as well. 

  1. Use Geo-focused on advertisements

Facebook gives you a chance to focus on your promotions all around explicitly. You can utilize advanced posts, for instance, to get your extraordinary Facebook posts seen by different Facebookers in your geographic target showcase. 

Twitter is another astonishing method to hold associated with your customers. Twitter gives you 140 characters (or less), to offer updates to your Followers. Use it to draw in, and continue fortifying your connections. 

Utilize a comparative substance procedure to Facebook, as sketched out above. 

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How to Use Social Media for Real Estate Agents: Twitter

Again, Twitter is one of the amazing social media for real estate platforms that helps you connect with millions of people out there. It is also important to know the basics before you use Twitter and that is – Twitter only allow you to write 140 characters when you tweet something. 

Make sure with simple, direct, and less words, you need to connect with your clients. Always make your tweets direct and crisp. 

  1. Tweet Tips about Staging and Moving

Help out your customers (and yourself), by showing them how to organize their home for better deals. Post connects to great articles and recordings on the most proficient method to show a habitation when you’re offering it. What’s more, instruct about how to pack and make a move less distressing, for example, in this precedent: 

  1. Tweet Local News

Twitter will in general be an incredible spot for news. In the event that there’s another school being worked in your general vicinity – tweet about it. Uplifting news stories to demonstrate how incredible your neighborhood is – and how well you know it. 

  1. Tweet Questions

Post inquiries to your adherents to support a reaction. For instance, inquire: 

What’s the best thing about moving to another home? #moving #newhome #sacremento 

What might your optimal kitchen resemble? #kitchens #daretodream #newhome 

How frequently do you remodel your home? #newhome #renovations #homedecor 

  1. Use Hashtags

On Twitter, utilizing hashtags gets your Tweets seen by more than your Followers. Utilize pertinent and explicit #’s to get found by those searching for your topic. For instance, use hashtags: with your geographic neighborhood identified with your tweets, (for example, #movingtips, and so on.) 

Here’s a case of how to utilize hashtags for a nearby geographic neighborhood. The BOTTO Team utilizes #parkgate, #deepcove and #seymour. Their tweet will be found in these class postings when somebody sees these hashtags channels, or completes a Twitter look for them. 

  1. Tweet about Charity Events

Tweet about neighborhood occasions you support. Show you are associated and dependable, and care about your locale. 

  1. Use @mentions to Keep in Touch with Clients

 Twitter gives you a chance to send tweets to explicit individuals. Besides utilizing the Direct Messages, convey a Tweet to salute another mortgage holder, or to thank a nearby vendor for helping you, and so forth. 

  1. Use Contests, Sweepstakes and Group Offers 

Like on Facebook, use challenges, sweepstakes and gathering offers to make greater commitment with your customers, and get your Tweets seen by their Followers. For instance: 

Offer a free supper at an area eatery for participate in a photograph challenge. 

Request a depiction of an extraordinary moving knowledge, utilizing a paper challenge, and offer a blessing endorsement to a nearby spa. 

Host a sweepstakes on Twitter, offering a home stylistic layout blessing testament, for survey your Open House. 

  1. Tweet about Your Listings

Once more, utilize the 80/20 rule. 80% of your substance is about way of life and interfacing; 20% is about your postings. You do this in your deals, isn’t that right? Do on social as well! 

Mix your Twitter content with your land postings. Incorporate data about your places. Incorporate pictures of your homes and lofts, and so on. Incorporate short recordings as well, on the off chance that you have them. 

It’s irritating, and demonstrates that you are not pondering your customers

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How to Use Social Media For Real Estate Agents: Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the most advancing social media for real estate platforms which allow you to showcase the visuals of the listings. This social media for real estate platform will allow you to connect with your clients through pictures. Being a real estate agent, it sounds perfect matching with your work profile. 

You need to impress your clients with appealing visuals. On Pinterest, you can set up your personal board, pin images you like, engage with the audience by repining, liking, and commenting on the visual posts.

Look at some of the tips which will help you to reach massive number of people:

  1. Make a board about your Neighborhood

Start your board by adding the amenities, shops, and services available in your neighborhood. Because, people are always much interested to know about the locality and things nearby. 

  1. Set up a lifestyle board

To build authenticity, you need to show who you are. You can design a board by adding your favorite hobbies. Let’s say – you like to cook – you can post some of your favorite recipes. If you like any sport – post your favorite sportsperson, any sports group, and tennis ground in your community.

  1. Design boards of Home Décor

Being a part of real estate industry, you need to appeal to the interior designers on Pinterest, you can display most luxurious and fancy home décor and also don’t forget to link them with how-to sites.

  1. Set Up a board for listings

Always remember the 80/20 rule, make sure you have a specific board which contains all of your listings. You also need to make sure that your listing board is located in the first four boards. Customers or clients will be able to see it easily. 

  1. Use relevant hashtags

You must be aware of the hashtags which are used in twitter. Similar to twitter, you can also use relevant hashtags on Pinterest to connect with the market and its people. Using hashtag extends your posting and reach beyond your circle.

It is important to use specific hashtags relating to your niche. For example:

  • Listing specific tags – #4bedrooms
  • Image specific tags – #decorate, #newhome, or #HomeDecor 
  • Geographic specific tags – #LynnValley
  1. Conduct Contests and Giveaways

Similar to Twitter and Facebook, you must use contests, sweepstakes, and giveaways in order to gain engagement with your visitors. Conducting such small events enable activity on your page as well as people are likely to visit your page because it converse with them.

There are some ideas for hosting contests or giveaways:

  • Conduct a vote contest, ask your followers to vote their favorite image from your listings. In return you can offer them some voucher or local gym membership. This will increase engagement and you will get to know the likes and dislikes of your customers.
  • You can create a photo contest for your followers. Ask them to submit their favorite bathroom photo. You can also add a vote section for more engagement and excitement. Whoever wins, offer them a small gift as a token of love and gratitude.
  • Make a video contest. Tell the participants to make a short video of what they like most about your latest listing. As a gift, you can offer them a weekend stay at nearby resort. This again increase engagement and would make it more authentic and build trust between you and your clients.
  1. Cross-promotion with a Facebook Pinterest Tab

To make your business recognized, you need to make yourself a tarantula spreading legs everywhere. It means you cannot just rely on one social media platform to get you customers and recognition. To build a reliable picture of your business, you need to go beyond one social media platform. It is not difficult as it may sound. You just need to promote your business on all the platforms to gain more engagement, customers, and recognition.

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How to Use Social Media for Real Estate Agents: Other Social Media Sites

Besides Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, there are other social media platforms which can help you engage with your audience and increase your reachability and recognition. 

For a real estate agent, interacting with such social media for real estate platforms is really essential because it helps you reach faster and increase growth of your business.

Following are some of the social media for real estate websites which can help you reach the market widely:


You can make short videos about your listings. You can also organize a video contest where you will ask your followers to make a short video of their favorite listings and the best video will get featured on your YouTube channel. Videos make everything even simple. Viewers can easily engage and get to know about the quality of work too. 

You can also create a short video of your neighborhood and show off the best features that the community has. It will not only inspire your viewers but also increase the change of signing a big deal.


These days LinkedIn is considered one of the productive social media platforms because of its high-authority and people having big designation can also get connected through it. You need to make a business page on LinkedIn and make sure your profile should contain a good summary of your business, your bio, and why you are a good real estate agent. Specify everything clear and transparent. 

To get more engagement and recognition, you can join local groups and participate in them, connect with the people and ask for referrals through the site.


Blogs are one of the most creative way to tell your clients what you do and how you do. Through the blogs you can also write about the knowledge of trade, market trends and strategies, and make your clients click on the website.

Make sure the content that you are using should be original and also SEO-friendly because then, it will help your website to get a good rank in the Google search result pages. Written content has to be original and creative that readers cannot resist themselves to read your other blogs.

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Final Thoughts:

Yes Folks! These are some of the social media tips which you can incorporate in your real estate business. We hope these secretive tips of Social Media for Real Estate have given your better understanding and now you can easily grow your business while handling all the social media platforms and get attention and engagement from your customers.

We wish you all the best for your growth and development of your business. If you have something in mind about social media for real estate, you can share with us in the comments section below. Do you have any questions? We will appreciate your inquisitiveness and will clear your doubts shortly.

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