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ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED – Fix the Error from Chrome

ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED: It is one error that we usually face while accessing the Internet. It is true that we cannot resist the fact that our system has lost the internet connection.

It really gets frustrating for us that we get to see the error flashing on the screen but we are helpless because we are not aware of the techniques which could help us remove the error from our systems.

You might have encountered the error message while trying to access specific websites if you are a user of Google Chrome browser. You will surely be amazed to know that with the help of this article you will be able to fix the ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED Error from your chrome browser instantly.

ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED Error is one error and faced by the majority of Google Chrome users. It is really dreadful experience when you try to access an important website of your choice and you get an error message on your screen.

The Error message conveys that you have lost the internet connection or your system has no access to the internet. Some users might also get to see the error code 137 along with the ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED Error message.

You will not be doomed. Yes, because in this article we will cover all the aspects of the ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED Linux Error which will not only help you understand the error but also enlighten you about all the different methods with which you will be able to remove the error from your system.


It is always wise to understand the ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED DNS first before we learn about the methods. Under this section, we will learn about the error including what exactly it is and how does it work on your system or browser, to be precise. 

Following is the complete error message that will get displayed on your screen whenever you face an error on your system. 

This website is not available: The webpage at [redacted] might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. Error code: ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED [sometimes error code 137].”

The above error message is provided to you only with an aim to help you acknowledge the error instantly whenever you get to see this ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED Chromebook message on your screen. Another thing that you must keep in mind that even you get this error on your screen, you still can access the other websites.

You must also ensure that switching to another web browser like – Firefox or Internet Explorer would not help you. You need to learn the complete process of removing the error from your system or web browser.

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List of Errors Related to Google Chrome Browser

Not only Err_Name_Resolution_Failed windows 10, but there are many errors like this that occur on the web browser and restrict us to access the websites of our choices. Following are the other errors that we likely face while using Google Chrome Web Browser.

How to Fix the Error – Err_Name_Resolution_Failed from Google Chrome?

As we have already discussed the detailed functioning of this error and we know that the error can be solved with the help of many different methods. Under this section, we will introduce you to all the methods with which you can easily get rid of the ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED Chrome Ubuntu.

If one method does not work or the error persisted after applying the method then you must switch to the alternative method from the list.

Method 1: Netsh Winsock Reset

This method occurred first on the list because it is easy and simple to execute. At the same time, you are advised to follow all the instructions carefully to fix ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED WordPress error

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /all

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /renew

netsh int ip set dns

netsh winsock reset

After restarting the computer you need to check if the problem is still there. If it is so, then you must begin to follow the other options that we have mentioned.

Method 2: Alter DNS Address

Preferred DNS Server:

Alternate DNS Server:

Click “Ok”.

Method 3: Reset Chrome Browser

Also Read: Hjedesign Login

Final Words:

We hope that you have learned to fix the Err_Name_Resolution_Failed Chrome from the Google Chrome web browser. Since we have covered all the aspects which have surely helped you to fix the problem. We would love to hear your experience which you can mention in the comments section below.

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